At this stage of pregnancy we visit our OB at Mt. Sinai weekly. The 35-week ultrasound showed us that our baby has moved from a ‘frank breech’ position (lounging arse first in utero like you would in a beach chair) to a normal head down position. This was very good news.
Dr. Levinsky is very pleased with her size and progress and now we take things on a week-to-week basis. A very pregnant lady with a nose fixed as in response to a permanent bad smell sat in front of us and alternated between looking busily at Kindle then at an iPhone, I wondered if either of these devices had made her feel like the entire world smelled badly.
In the waiting area a family with three kids under the age of 7, scuttled around like ants at a sugar festival. The father was a burly man wearing oversized rubber boots that triumphantly squeaked with every merciless step, their youngest child made a mouth noise like a reluctant to start lawn mower, while the other child explored every crevice of the hallway, scooting around in snow-pants with a repetitive whiz-wish noise. The mother rubbed her pregnant belly and seemed resigned to the life of choices that had delivered her here.
At some point a lanky man who looked like Jesus with greasy hair, wearing a sports jacket headed over and I was almost crippled with excitement to think that he might somehow be joining them. But he kept walking, on his way no doubt to procure a greasy miracle elsewhere.
I hope our journey in parenthood isn’t quite as stimulating and squeaky as theirs. For now I will just make animated GIF’s of Claudine’s belly progress to giggle away the nervous excitement.
I am excited for not only the two of you but for the addition this little person will bring to your already
loving family. I think of your story you shared with us as you were waiting for your heart surgery(I had completed mine) and am in wonder and amazement at the way your life is evolving, moving forward and all of the smiles you and your blog are leaving along the way like little footprints you are building
together! I am Terrie from California from the “Heart Valve community, a heart sister if you will” and
I have enjoyed reading entries as you speak your truths, share your feelings and always leave me with a
since of life to look forward to, joys to share and how many things in this crazy world we live in are “Good”. Take care and know that even though we don’t know each other I can tell you that I am
feeling your Dad is very happy for you and looking down at you from the Universe sharing your joy withing your mended heart how a lot fuller your family love is going to spread! I hope this makes sense
as it has been storming today and I spent the last week landscaping in the garden with Rylee and Kat so
this 66 yr. old lady is pooped. Thanks for sharing with us all!
Hi Terry, So glad you are keeping in touch. It’s crazy to think that I just celebrated my 1 year anniversary since my surgery and now onto this next adventure. Life really is never dull
Thanks for sharing the journey with us
Oh I CANNOT WAIT!!!! Tracy and Claudine I know at this moment you are both only imagining what life will be like as a beautiful family of three, and I know there are possibly visions of you three going merrily to the park playing with ducks and going to the beach together, maybe one or two sleepless nights (or three or four or MORE) all seems very doable, and I know it all seems like a wonderful dream, but you have NO IDEA how things are about to change and although there will be times of REAL stress because you will both be clueless as you fumble in the dark…… I want to tell you YOU HAVE NO IDEA that you are about to embark on an AMAZING FANTABULOUS ADVENTURE, one that is going to be THE VERY BEST part of your life. ENJOY TO THE MAX and give me a call if you get tired fumbling. Hug each other for me. xxx
We are prepared to be unprepared!! I AM SO EXCITED and full of hopeful expectations. And don’t worry we are going to ask you TONS of questions xoxolmnop
PS. Dat belly real big boy!!!
The excitement in my heart for the two of you is UNREAL. I love you both. This child has no clue how lucky it is to be born to you. I CAN’T WAIT!!!!