We have been pushed back to 2pm today so PAUSE THEM PRAYERS. I want to make sure the tsunami of prayers, good vibes and well wishes are properly timed and are not washing over some other random person. (Though other people can have some too because I have plenty and lots of others here don’t seem quite as healthy as I am)
Apparently there was an emergency surgery that was to go ahead of mine. Or as we decided it was delayed because zombies ate my pig so they are sourcing a new valve.
We are told to come back at 10:30 but no eating or drinking till then. I am going to rub some oatmeal onto my cheeks and hope for absorption.
The room we are waiting in has a picture of Maracas beach in Trinidad. Pictures of boats sailing abound. The angels are giving smiles and signs. I am calm again. All will be well.
Tracy – you’ve got this! We’ve been following (not in a creepy way) your blog and know that this will soon be a “Remember when?” for you and your family. Keep being positive – so impressed with your view on life as it speaks to all of us readers, ie non writers.
You are in our thoughts and prayers today! You’ve got this!
Jim is showing you he is there watching over you x Prayers and love will be coming your way like a hurricane at 2pm 🙂
ps I am re reading this one…..
I was just about to release a pigeon with a message for you. I’ll wait a bit.
Srs, see you soon on the mats. You got this.
Peace of cake kiddo. Could have been like me back in August when I spent the night before
surgery in a cheap motel being swallowed up by some kind of black mold as I stood in the
shower taking my amazing before surgery wash down with our “special soap” only to get a
phone call that it (the surgery) was either post-phoned or would be a bit later! No food since
the night before where we could not find a place to eat by the time we fought traffic getting to
said hotel so ended up running into nearest store and returning to motel and cooking and eating microwavable green beans in a bag that exploded in the microwave.
we ripped open a bag of Oreo cookies, chowed down on it all then went to bed
on what amounted to plywood with a sheet over it. See, your experience is much above many.
Tracy, you can do this! I am sure your Family is there keeping your spirits up and that the time
will fly(Remind me one day I said this).
Prayers will continue, one special one that you don’t up and bolt showing up late and having to
be fitted with a bovine valve(like mine) that some bloke left on the table.
By the way…..I love my new valve as much as you are going to love yours. Take care and keep
focused on the palm trees and water!
Was praying all morning will do 2 pm have to message my friend and sister now I love the maracas view that’s awesome. I am happy to see your so very positive outlook you are truly a trouper, dad would be proud. How is mum handling?
you got dis! you got dis so hurd!
Ok ignore my last comment on your last post!! Or don’t because it’s 1.43 am here and I have no idea when 2pm will be there so I will pray anyway and know it will last God willing to 2 pm your time whenever that is!
Yay pigs!
Can you feel all the love and support that surrounds you? We’ve got you covered !