Gratitude and fruit plates

February 4, 2015

I will forever struggle to sufficiently express the gratitude I feel for all the kindness, thoughts, prayers, deeds, words, actions, messages, love and gifts I have received over the course of this journey.

Seriously, you guys are like all of the water in the Niagara Falls.
If the Falls were cherry flavoured and made of never-ending spirals of liquid love cakes, infused with droplets of the finest silky cream…
What I am trying to say is that I really, really love you all.

It is easy to let your mood slip into the furrows of negatively charged thoughts and feelings of woe and self-pity during a trying time like this. But really the truth is you can’t allow those feelings to form because “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”
Instead I am regaining energy to send super sonic explosions, resonating and indelible sky wide THANK YOUS to all the happy that has already been paid forward in my world.

I had a chance for the first time this week to read through all the beautiful comments left by friends and new un-met friends on the surgery day, I was/am blown away. Huge love right back at you.
I have tried, but by no means succeeded, to add and mention all of you, just know that I know and I really honestly appreciate it from my tips to my toes.


Also these humans


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  • Reply Laura February 5, 2015 at 7:48 am

    FAB pix…. what an awesome photo diary of events. Lots of love as always x x x

    • Reply Tracy Craig February 10, 2015 at 10:47 am

      Thanks Laura! Big Love to you and the family!! 🙂

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