***UPDATE*** Incisions & Fainting

May 18, 2016


Claudine seems to be capable of functioning in only one mode of late.
Facking Megastar Warrior Mode.

They should name a constellation after her. With her typically graceful resolve, she championed through the week of daily wound gauze packing (super gross) and after a 7-day course of antibiotics her incision is now infection free and completely closed up. Everyone is feeling much better because she is feeling much better, and that is just peaches.

Claudine annihilates challenges for breakfast and has a gold medal in hurdle smashing. She is the prettiest ninja on this planet.

(also if you ever have an infection in a wound after recent surgery GO TO THE DOCTOR and do NOT put Polysporin on it. That shit is for bruised egos and scratched knees only.)


May 18th 2016

We had a little set back this week as Claudine developed an infection in the healing of her C-section scar. Which, as expected, is pretty much insult to literal injury 5 weeks post delivery. It went from the GP telling us to put Polysporin on it to “Yikes that looks bad let’s go to the ER” in a matter of days. (Polysporin, it turns out, isn’t the best recommendation)

I have added some pretty graphic images below, so if you are the slightest bit squeamish I beg you to avoid looking at them. Ever.


After being assessed in emergency at Mt Sinai the doctors made a small reopening in her incision – about two pinky finger knuckles long to drain it over concerns that an abscess might form. The only plus side was that procedure was done by one of the doctors who delivered Averie, so it was nice to see her again and say a proper thank you for helping to bring her into the world.

We had foolishly assumed that they would just give us some antibiotics and send us on our merry way so after the 3rd hour of being there we were all pretty tired, hungry and over being at the hospital. Averie, as usual, was chill and happy, Claudine was a perfectly patient Patient and I maintained the look of an exhausted, raccoon eyed savage. Hospitals do not bring out my best self.

During the procedure I held the baby while Claudine held my hand in a vice grip against the pain of the general atheistic injections into her sore, swollen skin. I should always listen to my inner voice that pleads never to look during these sorts of procedures. Always look away when any incision is being drained.

But alas like a rubber necked driver passing a car crash I looked and then promptly started to sweat and basically put our blanket wrapped sleeping baby on Claudine’s unsuspecting neck while I scrambled to take my sweater off, pretending to play it cool, like I was simply just a little warm and not sweating myself into a stone cold faint.

“Hold the baby. Gosh it’s warm in here” I mumbled and moped my brow.

Poor Averie has a lifetime of extreme examples to learn from. The first time she smiled at me last week I started to cry.
How is that for mixed signals?!
She will have to live with one parent who can have an abscess drained while being super chill and stone faced, and the other who flops into the panicked unsteady sweat of someone walking a tightrope over a piranha pool.

The good news (and there always is good news if you search hard enough for it) is that overall it looks like we caught the infection just in time and after another 7 – 10 days of visiting an out-patient nurse to clean and change the packed gauze we (hopefully) will be all ok.

So once again our poor super-trooper Claudine is now back on pain meds and feeling sore, but we are happy and optimistic that everything will heal properly this time. Summer is coming and we have too many adventures to explore with baby Averie.






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  • Reply Alex May 19, 2016 at 11:13 am

    Poor Claudine! Sending her my best get well soon vibes! 🙁 🙁 🙁

    Tracy, I can’t express how happy I am that you blog, your words are always so amazing to read, you are truly talented. Averie is so lucky to have you both.

  • Reply Monica May 20, 2016 at 6:42 pm

    Claudine is not only a trooper for the incision but you and your camera!!
    My description of the sweaty parent is –full of heart and expresses honest emotion….but u can keep describing yourself the way u want 🙂
    Love u both

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