
“Uterus Toning Tea”

March 20, 2016

Our friend Aviva recommended this raspberry tea to help “tone” the uterus and prepare for labour.


I find the idea of toning ones uterus to be overly descriptive. I imagined a happy spandex clad uterus working out to Jane Fonda wearing a headband. Which then lead me on a hilarious search of animated uterus gifs. The Internet can be so full of wonder and mystery…


Wifi signal uterus?



Beefcake Uterus!



This inexplicably marvelous creation.



Last week while we were meeting with, Adrianne our Doula (birth coach), I proudly produced a bottle of juice that had been in our fridge since Aviva brought it over along with the ‘uterus toning tea’.

For months I had assumed that this bottle also had to be consumed to help the start of labour. Turns out it was just regular peach flavoured iced tea. They both had a good laugh while I drank the stupid, tasty, non-labour inducing drink. I mightn’t be the most helpful person to have around, evidently. This whole uterus toning malarkey is evidently beyond my grasp of comprehension.

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