Pineapple sized babies (37.5 weeks and counting…)

March 16, 2016

My mother was born on March 15th, 1947. In an inexplicable administrative blunder her birthday was officially registered as a day later on March 16th. So that’s the day she celebrates. Annoying clerical mishaps are an ongoing theme in my mum’s life. The priest who baptized her decided that my grandmothers’ name selection of Kareen wasn’t a ‘proper name’ so he instead registered her as Karen. What a Jerk.

Karen Craig Born March 16th 1947 died January 13th 2014.

Except mum is very much still alive and none of that is truly factual. Yet that’s what was printed on our dad’s death certificate when he passed away a few years ago. Somehow mum got registered as the deceased. Even in death his jokes somehow kept coming.
Today on her ‘official’ non-official birthday we had our final ultrasound scan. Over the course of the pregnancy we have had more scans than average because our baby has a 2-vessel umbilical cord vs. the usual 3-vessel cord. This can potentially result in a smaller, sometimes less nourished fetus. So they wanted to map her growth as closely as possible.


Today, with 3 more weeks of growing to go, baby measured at 7.3lbs. So evidentially the chance of her being too small isn’t a real concern anymore. There is a margin of error of +/- 1lb, which really is quite a significant difference given that our baby weighs as much as 2 average sized pineapples. So with any luck we will be able to chalk this up to yet another ‘clerical’ error and our baby isn’t going to beef up TOO MUCH more. I am not sure Claudine is going to be super jazzed about giving birth to anything significantly heavier than 2 average sized pineapples. Because really, that’s quite a lot of pineapples…



Happy Birthday Mum. Thanks for giving birth to me even though I was a monster pineapple sized baby 😉

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1 Comment

  • Reply heidi lilla March 17, 2016 at 2:21 am

    happy birthday to your lovely mom!

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