
Book Reading (Dance-A-Thon and lice)

March 12, 2015

I did the very first reading of my book at a school today. We had three separate sessions in total, to a couple of different age groups. During the second reading and Q&A session I heard one kid whisper “Jim Craig” in awe of the story as she gazed at the cover and my heart imploded. It took all of my self-control not to dissolve into a teary-eyed puddle mess.

Kids stare at you, unabashedly with their eyes directly into your soul. They loved it and asked questions and hugged me (sometimes unannounced) and giggled and laughed and were involved and contemplated eternity with their huge kid eyes, deep past the sealed windows of my adult mind. I envied and loved their frenzied glee for life.

After reading cover to cover, under the watchful gaze of – sometimes up to 60 kids – so many times in a row, I wondered why I hadn’t written a slightly shorter book with fewer words. Next time I will just add more pictures and less actual words to read. “Then the shark ate everyone. The end.” *draws picture of shark eating everyone*

In all seriousness, this event totally made my day and an extra special thanks to the wonderful teachers and my friend and super dad, Jay, for arranging it all.

The highlight was when a little girl announced that some people couldn’t attend the Dance-A-Thon because of lice.

You can’t make that kind of awesomeness up.
Kids are the best.


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  • Reply Lorna Sister Baker March 12, 2015 at 1:54 pm

    Tracy that is so brilliantly put. Nice to hear that you are out and about. Tired now I bet.xxxxx L

  • Reply Sharon March 12, 2015 at 2:57 pm

    Totally love this. It’s what I liked best about my teaching days..the wonderful things kids would say and their great big hugs. No better feeling. One of my favorite school stories was about the time I over heard children talking about their fathers:
    Boy 1. My dad is better than yours…
    Boy 2. Oh yeah???
    Boy 1. Yeah …he has a black belt!!
    Boy 2. Hmmm well that’s nothing!! MY dad has a snake skin belt!!!

    Me – *ded* bwahahaaaaaaa

    You can’t make that up!
    Well done Tracy! And your book is amazing.

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