Earthships and bear poop

October 4, 2014

When the universe nudges and you don’t take heed, it finds a way to scream. I got fired from my corporate job of 7 years this week. I was living underwater and desperately in need of time. I largely ignored the clawing pangs of feeling trapped and unhappy for the stability of a regular paycheck. I will not fall victim to this cycle ever again.

The larger irony is that I wrote this post below over two weeks ago. We humans have to be careful what we wish for, because energy/Life/the universe/God/ whatever word fits your heart best, is very in tune with what is ultimately best for us. And sometimes really amazing gifts come in weirdly shaped packages. This is a blessing for me to focus my energy on a new path to make my soul feather into tiny glittery wings. I can almost feel them growing already…



Earthships and bear poop.

I have everything in my life, including a wispy malaise of dissatisfaction hovering at the corners of all of my beautiful things, housed in our beautiful home. The tendrils of ‘never enough’ claw at the daily gratitude I bestow on all the wonderful gifted blessings and achievements we have worked so very hard for.

I am grateful beyond measure for my health, for love and family, for having a safe place to sleep, for a peaceful country to live in, for food to eat, for opportunity within reach of my own efforts, for access to all basic human rights. I am so very, very lucky.

Perhaps dissatisfaction is a part of the human condition. Perhaps bears shit in the woods. Perhaps they don’t. In any event, bears have huge claws and should probably best be left to shit alone.

Societally, nothing seems to be enough. Work more. Play more. Get more. Be more. This society heralds the merits of productivity over true community. Money is the cloak of compensation for our most valuable commodity. Our time.

All we have is (limited) time. It is a cyclical trap of Time for Money and Money for Things and Things to be enjoyed in less and less time. So we are convinced to work for more money, to buy more things, to fill the empty space of the time we cannot get back.

The problem with time is that it just keeps on ticking.

I romanticize the idea of escapism from the grind of commitments. I have joked/not joked about starting a commune. Except there will be no drum circles. Flowing hemp skirts will not be enforced or encouraged. And that shit has got to have decent WIFI signals. We will however, make our own wine. I mean come on… priorities.

I want to have governance over my own time. Time to fill my soul with things that make it sing. Time to realize what those things really are. In reality what I really want is true community; calling it a commune is just way funnier and creepier.

To live untethered from the mundane. To still love learning and progress and science and technology. To use knowledge for overall betterment and to be unrestrained from the collective panic that Time for Money and Money for Time has engrained in us. I don’t want to wait until I am 65. We are doing this all wrong. If you are unhappy, don’t wait. We have wooed ourselves into thinking that we will always have enough time.


I am exhausted and I want a motherfacking Earthship.
Who is with me?
Let’s do this.


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  • Reply Lorna Baker October 4, 2014 at 5:33 pm

    Tracy, I once did some management test thingy that showed I could change direction all of a sudden. And I can still find that appealing now. I went to Africa when I was twenty. We floated around aimlessly on a narrowboat in our late fifties for a few years. Embrace this new experience. I look forward to seeing how you do.

  • Reply Jenn Baker October 4, 2014 at 8:34 pm

    I’m in. When and where? And did I mention I’m a great baker !?

  • Reply Twinky Eyes & Bus drivers – i love you with all my chicken October 8, 2014 at 9:27 pm

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