We have all survived the first 4 weeks. Below are some stats of how Baby Averie has progressed so far.

Working out with her brother, Cashie
22.5″ long and weighs about the same as a 10lb bag of… well things that weigh about 10lbs. (My analogy skills are not at their best of late)
Her hair is business at the front and party at the back. She continues to sport a baby mullet, which has stood the test of time over these first few weeks.
Skill Set:
She is terrible at keeping a conversation.
Is excellent to borderline athlete level at pooping. She poops A LOT.
She cries only when she needs something. (Mercifully she is a calm baby.)
She cuddles like she invented being super cozy.
She has not found a job yet, probably because she doesn’t know how to dress herself.

that sock monkey better watch out for flying poop…
milk, milky drinks, milk boobs, milk to be everywhere.
She loves to be warm.
Loves her bath time. A warm soapy sudsy bath is the best.
Overall Score: 10/10 ( I was going to dock her points for the whole not having a full nights sleep thing, but then she smiled at me..or had gas..either way I gave her a full score)
Baby Averie is a pretty kickass little thing. All three of us have agreed to surf this learning curve together and she is being patient with us. She affords us 4-5hr sleep stretches, which doesn’t sound like much but can feel like a battalion of cotton clad Archangels caressed your very being when you can shut your eyes for more than 30mins. We stare at her for a productivity diminishing percentage of the day. But with a newborn you almost have to, because they grow with a ferocity that makes you ponder how truly marvelous human skin is. To go from such a perfect tiny specimen in ferociously determined leaps and bounds.
We want to remember every detail. But I know we will only recall a white wash of pure love.
It looks like she has her Superhero stance down. The last picture needs to have a cape photoshopped with a cloud-filled blue sky behind her. I know you will have time to whip that up sometime soon, so I look forward to seeing it.
Awww…. she is a true blessing and perfection of creation. The best is yet to come. 🙂 xxx
she looks and sounds absolutely perfect! but then that’s only due to your outstanding parenting! 🙂
So precious and we ant wait to meet sweet baby Averie and hug all of you ❤️❤️
We think cashie is teaching Averie yoga!