Tamarind & Rum

August 14, 2014

The best time to have half of your front tooth break off is pretty much never…never…or the night before you have a huge meeting the next day. The leisurely manner in which I was eating a tamarind ball was in direct correlation to the second glass of rum and ginger I had washed it down with. (PMS fueled snacks are the devils workshop)
Tamarind balls have seeds and rum makes me occasionally forget that.



My tongue discovered the newly sharpened tooth edge and I scrambled to salvage the pieces in hopes of applying crazy glue and rebuilding; but it was too hard to discern what was tooth and what were just chewed up bits of seeds. Also Claudine said no to crazy glue. (That lass has no sense of adventure)


My dentist was most accommodating and a fresh 9:30am emergency appointment got the offending tooth member all sorted out. All vanity related disasters have been averted AND I was able to wear these completely jaunty sunglasses.


Yet another calamity contained.


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